Product Details
By David Bramwell; Photos by Petra Joy
Come and enter the sexy, seductive, and secretive world of Fetish.
From agalmatophilia (the desire to have sex with a mannequin) to ophidicism (sexual arousal from snakes), this is the most comprehensive guide to outrageous erotic pleasures.
Fetish includes stunning colour photographs, step-by-step illustrations on acting out role-playing scenarios, and titillating advice on how to get the most out of all types of clothing, gear, and equipment, from sex toys to rubber wear to whips and chains.
Whether you're a hard-core fetishist or simply curious, Fetish offers an insightful and colourful glimpse into the fascinating world of alternative sexual practices.
Paperback: 144 pagesPublisher: Skyhorse Publishing; Reprint edition (June 2013)
ISBN-13: 9781620877982
Product Dimensions: 12.7 x 15 x 17.8 cm
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